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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Crew News 1/7/12

Hi Crew,

Well, we made it through our first 3 days back, but I must say we all looked a bit worn out by Friday afternoon!  We all have to build back our endurance!

By the way, I did not receive and Thursday folder items this week.

Just want to share a few wonderful moments of learning that happened this week...
 Sticky notes!!  Can first graders actually learn how to think as they read and mark the text with their predictions, wonderings, questions and connections?  You BET!  I showed them how to do this and a few children actually tried it authentically that very same day! Yipee!  This is just one way they will be working during their author studies that will begin this week.  I love how this crew takes on new learning.

Math exchanges! On Friday we enjoyed time exploring how math works as some of us tackled an open ended story problem together while others worked on the I-pads (we have 2 now in our room) or computers or EDM games.  

Guest reader!  Ms. Deborah spent some time with us during math exchanges and then returned to read a few of her favorite books to the crew.  We enjoyed interacting with the books she read, especially Tikki Tikki Tembo.  We love to read and listen to good books.

We have a full week ahead and lots to do.  This week we will start our author studies and spend time with Mr. Doug in P.E. so remember those tennis shoes. 
Joyfully, Mary Beth


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