Check This Out!

Monday, August 19, 2013

First day of homework!

Many of the children have been asking "when do we get homework?".  We have to smile at this.  Bet their older siblings haven't been asking the same!

Today we will start math homework.
You will find three pieces of Everyday Math in their folders. (EDM = Everyday Math going forward)

Two pages are parent letters explaining the material covered in Unit 1.  We will have our first math assessment next Tuesday.

The other page, listed 1.8 on the top, is tonight's homework that is expected to be completed and returned in the morning.

Later in the week we will be adding a book to read in the homework folder.  Please help your child keep track of the books they bring home as we all need to share them and they are costly.

Here are some tips for homework:
1. Set up a regular routine on when you and your child are the most fresh to work on homework together.  Routines keep us on track.
2. Help your child take the green homework folder out of their backpack when you plan to work on it and then remind them to put it right back in their backpack after completion.  This eliminates things like "my mom didn't put it back" or "the dog ate it" or "we just did it in the car and left it there" types of situations!  I will be working hard to teach them independence around homework.

Happy Homework!
Ms. Mary Beth

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