Check This Out!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Dear Parents,
This is the first of a series of lessons on how to help your child read at home.  With our busy lives I thought it might help for me to upload video clips of the reading tools I teach the children. 

Using the same language and tools at home and at school really help move a child along in reading and writing. Let me know if these are helpful to you.

Tool # 1:  Using our schema helps us read

Schema:  Our background knowledge!
Each of us has a file cabinet in our brain.  We have files of things we know about inside the cabinet.  (a 6yr. old might have files about their  family, pets, things about animals, going on vacations, etc.)

When we read, we use our schema before, during, and after we read to help us understand stories and learn new schema!
Bringing what we know to the table helps us predict and think about what we are reading.

And yes, 6 year olds can understand and use the term schema! 

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